Thursday 10 January 2008


THURSDAY 10th January

There is still relative peace and quiet in Eldoret (pronounced EL-DOOR-ET) and in most of the Country. You wil have understood that we have various African Leaders visiting the Country ostensibly to 'mediate' between the incumbent Government and the Opposition.

Our Secondary Headmaster, Zacariah Mbatia, who had his house and farmstead burnt down in front of him and his family, has now moved his wife and children to Nakuru 160 or so kilometers away for safety - his wife had a nervous breakdown - both she and he are in their middle late sixties - Zach was in fact a retired Headmaster when he joined us. As a family they all love the Lord, and are standing firm in their faith. Zach himself will be continuing as our headmaster, living in Eldoret on weekdays and returning to Nakuru weekends. He should be back with us this coming Saturday. At 68 he faces a hard time with children still in College and all his personal savings and property lost. All he has left is the salary the School is able to pay him for as long as the Lord gives him strength.
Mr. Anthony Ndungu and his wife (now in their 50s) with three boys still in school and college, have decided to remain in Eldoret come what may. They are all in the Lord and are trusting in Him to keep them safe. They live about two kilometers from us.
Anthony is the Principal over all of the School and started the Primary Section with me in January 1985.
We have advertised a Staff Meeting for the School Teachers this coming Saturday which I shall also attend. We have about 44 staff from a wide tribal and also 'political' background. We are anxious to prevent from the staff any rifts that might seek to occur on either front, and would ask you to pray for a spirit of reconciliation and love to draw all together as the new term opens (hopefully) the 15th January.
As you may remember the School is financed from incoming Fees paid by the parents of those children in the locality that attend it. If too many have left the town this will affect us considerably as well, and is something also confronting us and which we are taking to the Lord as we move forward.

On Tuesday we were visited by a young man and woman from CCN representing the New York Times. They were anxious to 'unofficially' seek our own opinion and experiences in the present crisis. Esther talked to them with me together.
They were of the opinion that the ethnic or tribal conflict will not continue and that the most blame lays on the side of the people who 'fixed' the election.
The were very pleasant and nice young people, and obviously had covered events nationally quite thoroughly and well,
however, we ourselves are NOT as convinced as they are. We have lived here long, and we have seen and heard the antagonism there is in many areas against the kikuyu and even other small tribes that have set up home in this Karenina province.
We have 8 provinces in Kenya, some very large. In some a particular Tribe might have its roots, but constitutionally a Kenyan has the right to live, work and travel in any and all the provinces and to settle where he will - as of now. BUT the Opposition if it became the government might change this and cut the Nation into definite regions which they would say would improve the economic administration and universal prosperity of all Kenyans, but would ALSO make it necessary for those of certain tribes to be restrained from setting up their home in various Regions, or from working there, or even from traveling there without a permit. This idea is known here as 'Majimboism' but we might understand it better as a kind of Federal system - cutting up Kenya into mini states rather like the USA. Economically we do not think it WILL in fact work, and nationally it will only increase tribalism and the prevention of a truly National spirit joining all Kenyans as one together.

TODAY nothing looks very settled. Kibaki's 'government' still resting on a number of unresolved and contested events leading to its continuance, is pressing forward with a new Cabinet and a newly appointed Vice President. Mr. Kibaki visited Eldoret yesterday to see for himself the damage and meet the many hundreds of refugees still sheltering in the Town centres. He came with the visiting Heads of State.

The Opposition for its part is not in the least satisfied at his or his governments behaviour and is still determined to turn him out and put themselves in - although they also cheated at the Election on their own account. They have determined that on Monday when Parliament resumes they (the Opposition) will take the Government Seats by force. No doubt if they do so they will be resisted - it does not make a nice picture of what could happen in the House!
We have HOPE that some coming together of both sides will take place in the next few days or hours! The Cabinet still has room for representatives from the Opposition and further discussion might indeed provide the ground for a fully inclusive Government of National Unity. It depends on individuals. To a large extend all parties are playing poker with one another for the most they can get!
The latest Press of today has stated that the Electoral Commission of Kenya has recounted the disputed results in the Presidential Election and still find Mr. Kibaki the winner.......something I am sure the Opposition will still deny.

Violence COULD still break out again and even more so. Both parties SEEM very determined not to give quarter. If they do not yield then we can expect the worst.
If they DO then peace might prevail, at least as it has been before, on the surface.

The immediate and ongoing problems stemming from the Days of Chaos especially here in our Town are not going to go away quickly. They have of course affected us as well, We are glad to say that all those who ran to us for food and shelter have been able to return to their own homes, but many found their possessions stolen and their homes burned down. They now have to rebuild and restock. We Thank God that He is helping many, and that He has helped us during the period and enabled us to provide in His Name. NOW it is to be hoped the YEAR can actually begin to address the normal challenges and problems that face each of us as individuals and families

Again we thank all those of you who have Cheered us on In Christ, and who have encouraged and shared your love and prayers with us. We have shared your words with all that stay with us, and it has helped all to feel surrounded by the Angels of our Lord. Bless you for it.

Lovingly John and Esther

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